George W. Cannon
February 21, 1916 - December 1, 1997

George M. Cannon aboard ship
Image courtesy of George Cannon.

George Cannon is on the right.
Image courtesy of George Cannon. Mr. Cannon is on the right.
Army Serial Number | 32340704 |
County & State of Residence | Kings County, New York |
Place of Enlistment | Fort Jay, Governors Island, NY |
Date of Enlistment | 05/21/42 |
Grade | PVT – Private |
Source of Army Personnel | Civilian Life |
Nativity | New York |
Year of Birth | 1916 |
Education | 2 Years of High School |
Civilian Occupation | Semi skilled mechanics |
Marital Status | Married |
Component of the Army | Selectees (Enlisted Men) |
Box Number | 0500 |
Film Reel Number | 2.164 |
Source: National Archives>
No further information available.